What can I donate to Ms. Wolf's Class?

sheet protectors- I am trying to put together writing portfolios for the children and it would be wonderfult to have some of those sheet protectors for their final drafts. I need 7 or 8 packages of 25.

pencils- (the #2 wood regular colored yellow pencils) The children trade these out throughout the day so a uniform color is best.

snacks- there are about 5 children that regularly do not bring a snack. Please do not make the snack too exciting or other students will "forget" to bring a snack and will eat their snack at lunch. Wheat crackers or fruit snacks are a good option.

treasure box treats- cute little dollar store items are great to put in the treasure box.

bookbag donation- Some children have broken bookbags and may not be able to afford a new one. A new bookbag would make their day!

copy paper- Our office sometimes runs out of paper, making it difficult to print assessments and homework. Regular paper and colored copy paper is always appreciated.

monetary donation for a child in need (especially during field trip times) You will receive a receipt and if all children are able to pay, I will return the money to you.

Dry erase markers and wet erase vis-a-vis markers- I let the children use personal markerboards during math class as a game but sometimes children tend to press too hard. We go through these quickly.

 your time- Volunteers are greatly appreciated on Fridays and Mondays. Please give me 24 hour notice of when you will arrive so that I can prepare.